Handbrake is probably one of the most well known cross-platform DVD rippers, it runs on Linux, Windows and OSX. On Ubuntu I find it's best to install from the official PPA.
1. Insert the DVD movie.
2. Open HandBrake.
3. Select Source...
4. Select the DVD on the left hand pane, as shown:
5. Wait for HandBrake to scan the DVD, a preview should appear. The default settings are fairly sensible in Handbrake, but you can check and adjust when needed. Press Start when ready...
6. ..and then wait while Handbrake rips the DVD...
7. Finally the DVD should be ripped and ready to play (only for personal use of course). Close Handbrake and enjoy your freshly ripped movie.
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
Thursday, 18 October 2012
Ubuntu 12.10 Released
Ubuntu 12.10 has been released and you can download it here. Most of the changes might not be much of interest to those who don't use Unity, I use Cinnamon 2D desktop. I also like the new Remote Desktop function built into the login. Also perhaps the online accounts settings is quite interesting, though I still prefer Pidgin over Empathy. OMG!Ubuntu have done a nice little roundup of what's new in this video and their "10 Things To Do After Installing Ubuntu" article. I'd also recommend Linux Candy's 12 Things To Do After Installing Ubuntu 12.10, which is even more comprehensive!